Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Opportunity for Advanced Readers of BURNING FLAME

Opportunity for Advanced Readers of Burning Flame

First, my thanks to each and all of you that liked or commented on your choice of cover. The audience has spoken but everybody will get their choice. The other three cover images will mark division in the published work.

Second, for each and all of you who would like advanced access to Burning Flame, I will make that available. It will be available to you as a flipbook book and you will be provided link access. There is a request.

Third, I request that you write an Amazon Review at the conclusion of or during your reading. The more reviews posted before the actual launch date would prove to be an asset in reaching the widest possible audience and eventual sales.

Fourth, should you choose to do this, I will make sure that on the launch of the sequel coming just following New Year’s 2017, you will get the sequel at no cost in your email box.

Fifth, if you would like to be an advanced reader, email me at oscarcrawfordmedia@gmail.com. Simply say, Oscar, I want to be an advanced reader of Burning Flame. Make sure to indicate your cover of choice. Your email address maintained exclusively and confidentially.

Love and Blessings,

Oscar Crawford 
Oscar Crawford Media